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February 21-22
Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale
6750 Mississauga Rd, Mississauga, Ontario
The 7th annual OGA Conference will welcome leaders in the geothermal industry from across North America. It will be the must-attend networking and knowledge building opportunity of the year for this sector.

Hon. Glen Murray
Minister of Ontario Environment and Climate Change, Province of Ontario

Jim Bolger
President, OGA

Andrew Bowerbank
Global Director of Sustainability, EllisDon
Andrew Bowerbank is a respected authority on emerging clean energy technologies, high-performance building design and low-carbon economics. He is the former Executive Director of the World Green Building Council (2007-10) where he was proud to act as the Member Representative for the United Nations Environmental Programme. Today, he acts as the Global Director of Sustainable Building Services at EllisDon Corporation where he is launching a new "low carbon agenda" as a strategy to support international trends towards climate change mitigation and the growing carbon market. Mr. Bowerbank is also a Council member at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, senior research fellow at York University, and board member at Nuvo Energy Grid Inc. and CDML Engineering.

Jay Egg
President, Egg Geothermal
Jay founded EggGeothermal in 1990 to provide geothermal HVAC systems. As a
result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, EggGeothermal entered into a new age of acceptance.
Jay currently focuses his professional efforts as a renewable energy expert on solar/geothermal exchange implementation, consulting, aquifer related environmental issues, permitting, feasibility and variances of geo-exchange wells and technology, writing, and speaking engagements. Among his clients are international, federal, state and local governments, developers, associations, and private entities.
Author of two McGraw-Hill Professional books; Geothermal HVAC, Green Heating and Cooling and Modern Geothermal HVAC Engineering and Control Applications, Columnist for numerous trade magazines including National Geographic Energy, Commercial Architecture Magazine, Renewable Energy World, Plumbing Engineer, Plumbing and Heating Contractor News, Green Builder, Mechanical Hub, U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, National Driller, Contracting Business, ACHR News and many others.

Martin Forsén
Manager, International Affairs, NIBE
Martin received his Master of Science in mechanical engineering 1997 at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. After a short time at the electric utility company Vattenfall he got back to the university as a Phd student, where he stayed until he was hired as CEO of the Swedish Heat Pump Association 2003. After ten years at the association, Mr Forsén was recruited as Manager International Affairs for NIBE in 2013. Mr Forsén has for the last decade been an active member of the European Heat Pump Association. He has been a member of the board for several years and was elected President in 2014. Mr Forsén has recently become more involved in NIBE’s subsidiary companies in the US and was in October 2016 elected member of the board of GEO, USA.

Malini Giridhar
Vice President of Market Development and Public and Government Affairs, Enbridge Gas Distribution
Malini Giridhar was appointed to the position of Vice President Market Development, Public & Government Affairs in June 2016. In her previous executive positions she led gas supply and business development activities, including regulatory approval of a major natural gas pipeline in the Greater Toronto Area.
Malini is a Chartered Financial Analyst and has a graduate degree in Economics. She joined Enbridge in 1994 as a financial analyst and held progressively more senior positions in the Regulatory and Gas Supply groups.
In addition to her day to day work at Enbridge, she is very passionate about the promotion of diversity, inclusion, and personal development. Malini is an active supporter of Pathways to Education, helping youth at-risk graduate from high school.

Martin Luymes
Director, Programs and Relations, HRAI

Howlan Mullally
Building Sustainability Specialist at Infrastructure Ontario
Howlan is Building Sustainability Specialist for Infrastructure Ontario (IO). In this role, Howlan builds sustainability awareness and integrity at IO, the agency that manages Canada’s 2nd largest building and property portfolio. He oversees sustainability upgrades and activities for Ontario Government real estate assets, ensuring they meet or exceed internal and external performance targets.
In the past Howlan has worked in sustainable building and neighbourhood design, low-carbon options assessment, energy efficiency program development and implementation of green design solutions.
Howlan has been working in energy performance and environmental protection in Canada and Europe for the over 15 years. He has a Master’s of Environmental Studies from Dalhousie University, is a LEED AP for Building Design and Construction, and is a registered Environmental Professional with a specialism in Energy.

Bryan Purcell
Director of Policy and Programs, Toronto Atmospheric Fund
Bryan Purcell is the Director of Policy and Programs at The Atmospheric Fund (TAF), an award-winning public agency dedicated to addressing climate change and air quality in the Greater Toronto Area. Bryan’s work focuses on accelerating the decarbonization of the built environment through development of innovative policies, programs, and business solutions. He directs the TowerWise Program, through which TAF has financed and implemented major energy and Indoor Environmental Quality retrofits in ten low-income housing towers, using the buildings as living labs to advance understanding of the impact of retrofits on GHG emissions, indoor air quality, and occupant comfort. Bryan also directs TAF’s Pumping Energy Savings project, which focuses on accelerating adoption of heat pumps as a retrofit solution in the multi-family housing sector.

Stan Reitsma
Vice President, OGA

Steve Smith
CEO, Enertech Global
Steve Smith is the President and CEO of Enertech Global, LLC, which produces GeoComfort, Hydron Module, and TETCO brand geothermal heat pumps.
Smith was introduced to geothermal systems in 1983 as Director of Member Services for an electric cooperative in southwestern Illinois. In 1987, he assisted in the start-up and managed a geothermal distribution company owned by a group of electric cooperatives.
In 1996, he and his wife, Karen, started Enertech, Inc., a dedicated geothermal distribution company located in Greenville, IL. The company eventually purchased a geothermal heat pump manufacturing facility, located in Mitchell, South Dakota and have expanded that location to 80,000 sq ft. The company is now part of NIBE Climate Solutions.
Smith holds an AAS in HVAC Technology from Kaskaskia College and a BS in Business from Greenville College.

Terry Young
Vice-President, Conservation and Corporate Relations, Independent Electricity System Operator
Terry Young is Vice-President of Conservation and Corporate Relations, responsible for managing the IESO’s many external relationships as well as the IESO’s conservation activities.
His responsibilities include communications, marketing, stakeholder and community engagement as well as customer relations.
He is also responsible for the IESO’s conservation programs and initiatives such as saveONenergy and the Conservation First Framework, which work to foster a culture of conservation in the province.
A well-known spokesperson with 30 years of experience in the electricity industry, Mr. Young started his career as a journalist with Canadian Press-Broadcast News. He also served as President, Ontario Branch of the Kidney Foundation of Canada.
Mr. Young has been with the IESO since 2002.
Downloadable PowerPoint Presentations Are Highlighted In Orange.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
2:30 pm | Networking / Afternoon Refreshments / Exhibits |
3:30 pm | Welcome Address Jim Bolger, President, OGA Keynote Presentation Dissecting the Cost-to-Performance of a Geothermal System Steve Smith, CEO, Enertech Global This presentation will be a detailed comparison of the cost of installation of a geothermal heating and cooling system. There are many options when it comes to the size/capacity installed, efficiency range, warranty offerings, loop type, etc. that will be explored. It will also compare to conventional heating and cooling systems to further understand what needs to be taken into consideration for residential and commercial installations. It will be a learning experience, followed by interactive discussion, going well beyond the typical cost vs operational comparisons. |
4:30 pm | Product Innovation Forum In this rapid fire session, hear from four forward-thinking companies pushing the boundaries in product innovation. Each company will deliver a 10-minute rapid fire presentation on a cutting-edge technology/product that will impact the geo-exchange industry.
5:30 pm | Cocktail Hour / Networking / Exhibits |
6:30 pm | Dinner Buffet |
7:30 pm | Keynote Presentation Geothermal: The Foundation of Sustainable Economic Success for All Jay Egg, President, Egg Geothermal Somewhere along the way, the message of “Net-Zero energy consumption” eclipsed the real issue facing our world: the need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this broad spectrum presentation, attendees will hear about the remarkable opportunities to market free, renewable energy. |
8:15 pm | Closing Remarks Jim Bolger, President, OGA |
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
7:30 am | Registration Opens / Breakfast Buffet / Exhibits |
8:30 am | Welcome Address Stan Reitsma, Vice President, OGA Keynote Presentation Special Keynote Presentation Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan and the Role of Geothermal: What We’ve Done and Where We’re Going Hon. Glen Murray Minister of Ontario Environment and Climate Change, Province of Ontario |
9:30 am | Pathways to Market Development for Geothermal: the European Experience Martin Forsén, Manager, International Affairs, NIBE The theoretical benefits associated with geothermal heat pumps are undisputed, but what are the real consequences of a large scale introduction of ground source heat pumps for the energy system. This presentation presents the impact on the energy system in the country with the largest share of geothermal heat pumps. Some of the lessons learned and keys for success will be discussed. |
10:15 am | Networking / Morning Refreshments / Exhibits |
10:30 am | Regulatory Update Martin Luymes, Director, Programs/Relations, HRAI It has been a very productive year for the OGA! Martin Luymes, HRAI Director of Programs and Relations, will report on the advocacy efforts of the OGA and HRAI over the past year, which have generated quite a number of very positive outcomes affecting the future of the geothermal industry in Ontario, and beyond. |
11:15 am | Safe, Reliable, Affordable Energy in a Low Carbon Environment Malini Giridhar, Vice President of Market Development and Public and Government Affairs, Enbridge Gas Distribution Ontario’s Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act along with its Climate Change Action Plan signal major changes on the Province’s energy landscape over the coming years. Enbridge is focused on the continued growth of its business and the maintaining its position as the market’s energy supplier of choice. This means continuing to be a safe, reliable, affordable and convenient energy supplier while helping our customers reduce their carbon footprint. The Company’s view is that in order to accomplish these goals in a changing environment there is a need for a balanced approach that leverages both existing and future technologies in ways that best fit the needs of energy consumers. We believe that doing this will require some expanded thinking in terms of the scope of our business which includes potential participation in the delivery of geothermal energy solutions and other innovative technological solutions which Malini will speak to in her presentation to the OGA. |
11:45 am | Lunch Buffet |
12:45 pm | The Carbon Impact Initiative: An Industry-led Action Plan in Support of Canada's International Climate Change Commitments Andrew Bowerbank, Global Director of Sustainability, EllisDon The Carbon Impact Initiative (CII) was launched in 2016 to stand as the defining industry-led action plan with the resources needed to respond to provincial and federal climate change objectives. The CII is unique in that it is managed by a Consortium of industry leaders from some of the largest and most influential companies across Canada’s buildings, energy, and infrastructure sectors. The CII is a systems approach to establishing a low-carbon built environment in Canada, bringing proven industry expertise to designing and constructing hyper-efficient buildings and green infrastructure, integrating innovative smart/clean energy technologies, adopting low- carbon materials, conserving resources, and exploring ways to retrofit and adapt existing building stock to meet new performance targets. |
1:15 pm | Infrastructure Ontario’s Energy Strategy and the Potential for Geothermal Howlan Mullally, Building Sustainability Specialist, Infrastructure Ontario Ontario is exploring options to further enhance the performance of the Province’s owned buildings. Climate Change mitigation measures, and resilience to future changes to Ontario’s climate are being actively explored and implemented. The presentation will examine how the Province’s real estate portfolio is performing; where the portfolio is and what kind of buildings it is made up of; and what the future portfolio could look like and how to get there. |
1:45 pm | Networking / Afternoon Refreshments / Exhibits |
2:00pm | Accelerating Adoption of Heat Pumps in Existing Multi-Family Housing Bryan Purcell, Director of Policy and Programs, Toronto Atmospheric Fund Multi-family housing is a large and growing share of the housing stock in Ontario. Heat pumps are a key technology for unlocking deep greenhouse gas emission reductions in this important sector. The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) has been working with the IESO to assess the potential for accelerating ground-and-air-source heat pump retrofits in Ontario’s multi-family housing sector. This presentation will outline TAF’s findings to date including assessment of market sub-segments with the strongest business case for retrofitting with heat pumps, feasibility studies exploring costs and benefits for heat pump retrofits, and assessment of key market barriers. |
2:30 pm | The Link to Energy Efficiency and the Role of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) Terry Young, Vice-President, Conservation and Corporate Relations, Independent Electricity System Operator The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) manages the province`s power system so that Ontarians receive power when and where they need it. It plans and prepares for future electricity needs and works with its partners to guide conservation efforts. Terry Young will speak to the IESO`s role in encouraging a culture of conservation in Ontario, the innovation that is underway to support this and potential opportunities for geothermal going forward. |
3:00 pm | Jim Bolger, President, OGA At the Annual Meeting of the OGA, members will hear a report on the past year’s activities and vote on financial statements and a proposed slate of directors. Members are urged to attend to exercise their vote, and guests are welcome to hear about the association’s successes in 2016. |
3:30 pm | Networking / Evening Refreshments / Exhibits |
3:45 pm | Power Panel: The Future of Geo-Exchange Jay Egg, President, Egg Geothermal Martin Forsén, Manager, International Affairs, NIBE Malini Giridhar, Vice President of Market Development and Public and Government Affairs, Enbridge Gas Distribution Terry Young, Vice-President, Conservation and Corporate Relations, Independent Electricity System Operator As a closing session, the OGA will facilitate a discussion on the prospects for geothermal heating and cooling in Ontario over the next several years and beyond. What are the opportunities? What needs to be done to realize these opportunities? What can industry participants do to help make the industry flourish to its full potential? This promises to be an exciting and productive exchange of ideas and opinions. |
5:00 pm | Closing Remarks Jim Bolger, President, OGA |
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Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale
6750 Mississauga Rd, Mississauga, ON L5N 2L3
Complimentary self-parking for conference attendees
Located just 15 minutes from Toronto Pearson International Airport and 30 minutes from Downtown Toronto, Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale is the ideal location for gatherings of all kinds. The hotel sits in the heart of Mississauga, from which you can easily reach highways 401, 407, 427 and 410, and explore restaurants, shopping and popular attractions... many within walking distance.
Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale Conference
Floor to ceiling windows adorn all 375 spacious and comfortable guest rooms.Club Meadowvale is the onsite Fitness Centre, featuring state-of-the-art exercise equipment, tennis and squash courts.
Quest Restaurant & Bar, Arabica Café and Chop Steakhouse provide great options for meeting up after hours.
The corporate offices of several fortune 500 companies, shopping, dining, spa treatments and many local attractions can be found just minutes away.
For conference related inquiries please contact Kendy Sandy, Conference Organizer, at ksandy@hrai.caOUR SPONSORS
The OGA is an affiliated association of the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI)
Convex Studio Ltd - Digital Marketing Agency Hamilton